GranBio has developed two pretreament platforms to produce nine different types of nanocellulose
Nanocellulose materials were developed in lab scale several decades ago, but only after the years of 2000, the benefits of the product applied to specific fields have already been demonstrated in pilot plants including Thomaston. Nanocellulose-based products offer unique advantages for different applications in terms of reinforcement, transparency, rheology, barrier properties and hydrophobicity
GranBio has developed two pre-treatment routes to produce proprietary nanocellulose types: CNF and CNC

GranBio has overcome the main challenges to produce nanocellulose and has more than 21 JDA’s in progress developing composites and direct applications. Our Pilot plant in Thomaston is the 3rd largest nanocellulose plant in operation in the world.
See Also
Green Tires