Our Trajectory
Get to know the main historical landmarks of GranBio
- $80 million D.O.E. Grant to AVAP SAF platform
- GranBio and Nuseed sign global alliance to develop and commercialize energy cane
- GranBio gets green tire nanocellulose composite patent
- GranBio Demonstrates proprietary technology to make biomass based nButanol
- GranBio and Birla announce global partnership to build green tire
- GranBio sells first GP+ license to produce 2G ethanol
- GranBio and MaireTecnimont (NextChem) announce global alliance to license GP+ 3.0 with an EPC option
- GranBio is listed in CVM (Brazilan SEC)
- GP+ Technology obtains global FTO and FTL (Freedom to Operate and License)
- BioFlex produz 100 m3/dia
- GranBio adquire 100% das tecnologias da API
- BioFlex I operates with 100% proprietary technology
- Energy Cane Vertix is licensed to 10 customers in Brazil
- GranBio exports 5 million liters of 2G ethanol to the USA
- GranBio demonstrates GP+ 2.0 at BioFlex I
- GranBio replaces BioFlex I technology and equipment with proprietary GP+
- GranBIo is awarded a $7.4 million grant by the D.O.E. to build a SAF pilot plant in Thomaston
- GranBio registers patent ot its first energy cane proprietary variety
- AVAP demonstrates BDO (Butanodiol) from biomass with partners
- GranBio patents its first GMO yeast Celere I
- Alpena Demo Plant is awarded first 2G ethanol RIN in Michigan, US
- Second AVAP license is sold to an European Chemical company
- Partida da BioFlex I
- BioFlex I breaks ground
- JV with Rhodia to develop green butanol
- BNDESPAR acquires 15% of GranBio
- GranBio buys a 2G ethanol license from M&G with an enzyme contract with Novozymes
- GranBio compra licença de etanol 2G da M&G com enzimas Novozymes
- GranBio is founded by the Gradin family